Seven Thoughts You Have When You’re Convinced You’ll Become the Lonely Llama Lady

By: Kaycee Grancher

Being single can be great. By no means does anyone *need* a relationship. I firmly believe that we should never rely on anyone else for our sense of happiness or contentment; a person can enhance our happiness, but they should never be the sole source of it. And while I’m mostly content with not being in a relationship and achieving things in other areas of life, sometimes it does get to be a little bit lonely. Below are seven thoughts that run through my mind when I’m going through one of my little “lonesome” phases. Some are just random, strange thoughts, but a few are genuine things I like to ask myself when it comes to relationships and becoming better overall.

1. If I’m still single by the time I’m 30, I’m going to start a llama farm. ws pic.1Lonely llama lady for life! Llamas, alpacas, sheep, pigs, anything cute – it has a special place in my imaginary farm where all are free to roam about as they please.


2. There’s just no one to date where I live. ws pic.2Sometimes, I have myself convinced that the problem is that there are no decent single guys where I live. Some days it seems as though they’re either all in relationships or just not the kind of person I’d be interested in dating.


3. Everyone is getting engaged! *Cries happy tears* ws pic. 3This one might be a little weird, but I get so excited anytime someone gets married, engaged, or starts a new relationship. I think it’s so amazing to see a couple that is so happy together and seeing their joy always makes me smile, even though it also makes me want to search harder for someone to share my own happiness with.


4. Where exactly does one go to meet guys? ws pic.4The options are few and far between. I don’t want to meet someone in a bar, and online dating scares me. And, oh, the stories I could tell from coffee shop encounters!


5. What if I only think I’m a nice person, but I’m actually not and everyone thinks I’m mean and that’s why I’m single? ws pic.5Yeah, I just have a weird train of thought sometimes. I start at Point A and somehow get to Subsection 5-L, Paragraph Four in my brain.


6. What should I be doing better? ws pic. 6Asking myself what I’m doing “wrong” can make me too self-critical. I like to think that asking myself what I could do better is a good way to motivate myself to become a better person and then have a bi-product of that to potentially be in a relationship with someone.


7. Am I the kind of person that the person I’m looking for is looking for?ws pic.7I remember hearing someone say this years ago and it’s always stuck with me. I know what the kind of character I’m looking for in a guy: how I want him to treat others, ambition, lifestyle, etc. But, let’s be realistic, would a guy who contains all of the qualities I’m looking for be interested in me as I am right now? I like to think of this as a good introspective question to make sure that I try to strive for the same qualities in myself that I would look for in a partner.


In the meantime, while I wait and ponder my list, I think I’ll go find a llama to hug. I’m also going to start planning that farm – just in case. ws pic. 8















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