Megan and Liz Return to Pop with New EP, “Muses”

By: Máire Hannigan

It’s been a long journey for Megan and Liz, with a fair share of ups and downs, but nothing seems to keep these two from pursuing their dream. After their label closed at the end of 2013, the duo dove into country music releasing their EP, “Simple Life” in June of 2014. It’s been six years since their last pop single, “Release You,” and this duo has decided it’s time to make their return to pop music with their latest project, “Muses.” Contrary to their previous projects, not only is “Muses” a pop EP, but for the first time, the twins added featured artists, Myles Parish and BHAVIOR, to two of the five tracks. Anticipation for new music from these two has been brewing for a while, and Witty Serendipity got the opportunity to talk with Megan and Liz about where they’ve been and how those experiences brought “Muses” to fruition. Continue reading

Featured Artist: Betsy Lane

By: Máire Hannigan

If you’re in the market for new music, we’ve got an artist for you! Betsy Lane, a 24-year-old singer-songwriter from Nashville, TN, developed a passion for music at the age of 5 with violin lessons, which evolved to the guitar at 15. Surrounded by Country music, living in Music City, Lane fell in love with the concept of storytelling through music, releasing her first EP, “10 Months Ago” in January of 2013. The EP quickly climbed the Country charts landing a #63 spot in the US, #23 across the pond in the UK, and #118 in Australia. A year later, Lane released her second EP, “Southern Crazy,” which also found its way on the charts claiming #21 in the UK and #46 in the US. Her most recent release, a self-titled EP, shows listeners, both fans of country and pop, how Lane has changed and grown since her first EP as well as how she has remained true to herself. Continue reading

Ethereal – Cali Fannin

By: Kaycee Grancher

Some of you may already be familiar with the name “Cali Fannin” from an article written about a year and a half ago, which featured Cali as a new and upcoming singer. There, she discussed her passion for music and songwriting as well as mentioning different singers who influenced her songwriting style and shaped her personality as an artist. Now, Cali has released her newest single, “Ethereal,” and we had the privilege of getting to hear the latest development in Cali’s artistry. Continue reading

Tips to Keep in Mind for Your Next Concert

By: Máire Hannigan

As a lover of music, and live music specifically, I’ve been to my fair share of concerts. My first was the Backstreet Boys in 2007 on their Never Gone tour. My favorite memory of that show is how mesmerized I was by the experience. I danced and sang the night away and worried about nothing but enjoying the music. It’s a joy that can’t really be matched anywhere else, so I’ve made a habit of seeing my favorite artists live ever since. Over the years, I’ve gained some insight on what to expect and how best to approach each show depending on the artist, the venue, and the time of year. With that said, here are a few tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way. Continue reading

Liz and Her “Shot in the Dark”

By: Máire Hannigan

We first introduced you to Liz Bissonette back in January of 2017. She had just released two brand new songs, “Unlovable” and “Two Faces,” and was gearing up for a potential album release. Although an album isn’t coming just yet, Liz is now ready to share the last year and a half of her life with her listeners. “I wrote most of this stuff this time last year,” Liz explains, “and the reason I’ve waited so long to release it all is because I think I just needed to experience life and let myself have a break.” Today, with the release of “A Shot in the Dark,” we get a sneak peek of what’s to come. “I’ve been through a lot of crap this last year. I think I’m finally in a good headspace to start putting it all out,” Liz continues, explaining the reason behind the gap. “You’ll hear more about the ups and downs of this last year in the new music.” Continue reading

“Habit” and the Beginning of a New Era for Megan and Liz

By: Máire Hannigan

Megan and Liz are back! We’ve featured these two before and are thrilled to be hearing new music from them. “Habit,” released on July 31st, launches their new “older” sound as they’ve grown as artists and as young women. They’re 24, dealing with more mature feelings and experiences, so it’s only natural that they exemplify that through their music. Continue reading

Featured Artist: Cali Fannin

By: Máire Hannigan

This week we are continuing our trend of introducing singer/songwriters on the rise! Meet eighteen-year-old Cali Fannin from Lexington, Kentucky whose life has been influenced by music since she was very young. A high school senior, Cali is a part of her school’s dance team and religiously watches Star Wars during her free time. She will also begin her freshman year of her college career at the University of Kentucky in the fall. Cali took the time to share with Witty Serendipity the role music plays in her life, where it all began, and a look “behind-the-song” on her two Valentine’s releases: “This’ll Do” & “This Time.” Continue reading